
Knowing that a woman doesn't like you or find you attractive means what for you$%:

Does your meaning change if you happen to like or find the woman attractive$%:

Whatever meaning you choose to believe about these two questions is going to determine how you react when a woman rejects you.

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How you react to rejection from women is going to determine what you will and will not do with women!

It is important that you understand, for some men they have no problem approaching women they do not know because they place little or no value on the opinions of strangers.

Yet, as soon as a connection is made they can find themselves worried about what she will think.

As soon as you link pain either consciously or unconsciously to your potential outcome with women, you will stop one step before that outcome can happen, unless she takes you farther.

This is why so many guys end up in the "friend zone"; they stopped right when the risk of losing a connection with a woman was realized, even though what they ultimately wanted was a relationship or sex.

Most women who are worth having will take what you can give them and be perfectly content with just that.

What this means is men who fear getting rejected during the approach with women will notice they do not attract many women.

Men who fear rejection from women that they like will notice that they can attract women as friends but not much more.

When you consider how much control those first two questions have over your success with women and that you can choose whatever answer you want.

It can become, quite obvious that you must choose the answer that will empower you with women rather than the one that is disempowering for you.

    創作者 ncdomenicm 的頭像


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