As many people join the world of technology and begin to buy MP3 players it is becoming clear that people do not know what to do. With all the brand names, features, and sizes, what are you to do$%:
1. The first thing you must consider is what brand do you want. The most popular MP3 player on the market today is, of course, the Apple iPod. In 2006 there was over 46,400,000 iPods sold. That is nearly 88 iPods each minute! Some of the other less popular but good MP3 players are Creative Labs, SanDisk, Zune, and Samsung. Creative Labs are very similar to the Apple iPod. Actually, they are so similar Creative Labs sued Apple for copyright infringement and won a settlement of $100 million.
2. The second thing to remember when buying an MP3 player is what do you want your MP3 player to do. What features do you want$%: The main feature of an MP3 player is to play music. Other features that many people want their MP3 players to do are play movies and view pictures. Beyond listening to music and watching movies and slide shows there are more features that are being added. The Creative Labs MP3 player is able to play live FM radio and you are able to record and save the songs straight to your music library. There are many features that you must consider and once you know what features you want the last step is easy.
3. The last step is to consider what size, storage capacity, you want your MP3 player to have. There are sizes from 1GB, can hold 250 songs, to 80GB, can hold 20,000 songs. The most common capacity on the market is anywhere from 1GB to 20GB. For just playing music the best size is the 1GB to the 20GB. It will allow you to hold many songs but not cost to much. If you are wanting to do other things, such as playing movies, songs, photos, etc., you should buy the 20GB to the 80GB capacity. These are expensive, $200 and up, but will allow you to watch movies and not run out of room for songs.
For a little review, the first step is to consider what brand you are interested in buying. The second step is to consider what you want your MP3 player to do. The final step is to find the size that best suites the features you want to do. That is it. Follow the three steps above and finding the right MP3 player that suites you is easy.